I’m pretty confident with expressions in Nuke, but once I start adding expression within text fields in Nuke (in node labels or Text nodes) I quickly...
Continue reading...Code Snippets
This is a collection of short useful snippets of code that I’ve discovered and will probably use over and over again. They will be for either python or TCL. I’m not claiming to have figured these things out myself. Most of these will be things I’ve read somewhere else on the internet, maybe I’ve altered them a little for my needs. I’ll try to link to the source where I can.
Other useful places to find code snippets can be found here:
Get a List of Keyframes
Dealing with animation values with Python in Nuke is way more confusing than dealing with other values in Nuke. There are a few useful pages out...
Continue reading...Reload Modules in Nuke 13
When you are working on anything but a very simply python script it is usually better to write it in a dedicated IDE rather than try...
Continue reading...Add Collapsable Group to Control Panel
In a previous post I showed you how to open and close a group of knobs in a control panel with Python. This little snippet of...
Continue reading...Add Nodes Inside A Group With Python
As I only have Nuke NC at home I can’t export a gizmo that I can share with other people, so I decided I had to...
Continue reading...List All The Layers In A Render
As far as I could tell you can easily get a list of all the channels in an image with: print nuke.selectedNode().channels() but you couldn’t easily...
Continue reading...Collapse/open Group of Knobs
This code example creates an on knobChanged callback on a node that toggles a group of knobs open or closed based on a checkbox on the...
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